주용철 사진작가

International Academic Conference 본문

[사진☆선물 <-- ]

International Academic Conference

YC Ent 2017. 11. 7. 11:53



Korean Alliance of Martial Arts

International Academic Conference

for the Celebration

of the Jincheon 1st World Youth Martial Arts Masterships


Illuminating Value of Martial Arts for Future of the Youth

Nov. 3-4, 2017

Cheong-am Hall, Cheongju University


사단법인 대한무도학회 & 세계무예마스터십위원회



This program is sponsored by the Korea Sports Promotion foundation (KSPO)

충청북도 / 진천군 / 문화체육관광부 / 외교부 / KSPO국민체육진흥공단 / 대한체육회 / 유네스코한국위원회




--- click or touch --->  1 Opening Ceremony

--- click or touch --->  2 Keynote Speeches 1 (Douglas Farrer)  (Guam Univ.)

--- click or touch --->  3 Keynote Speeches 2 (Cheontaek Son) (Incheon National Univ.)

--- click or touch --->  4 Oral Session 1-1 (Gabriela Izabela Tymowski-Gionet) (Univ. of New Brunswick)

--- click or touch --->  5 Oral Session 1-2 (Benjamin Judkins) (Comell Univ.)

--- click or touch --->  6 Oral Session 1-3 (Luke White) (Middlesex Univ.)

--- click or touch --->  7 Oral Session 2-1 (Chih-Hsiung(shane) Huang) (New Taipei City Government)

--- click or touch --->  8 Oral Session 2-2 (Yucheng Guo) (Sanghai Univ.)

--- click or touch --->  9 Oral Session 2-3 (Hoisik Jang) (Taekwondo Promotion Foundation)

--- click or touch --->  10 Oral Session 3 (Seungwook Hwang & Youngsik Kim) (Korea National Univ. d Education)

--- click or touch --->  Poster Session & Lunch & Welcome Party

--- click or touch --->  International Academic Conference 기타 기념사진-1

--- click or touch --->  International Academic Conference 기타 기념사진-2


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1 PC or MAC = Right Mouse button -> photo save

2 Smart phone = Press for 3 seconds -> photo save


